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Here's why you don't have any viewers on twitch

You might have searched for 'how to get more viewers on Twitch' on Google many times and implemented a few of the basic ideas that you found into your streams. However, they don't seem to be working. Am I right? Let's be honest; you wouldn't be reading this if searching for it worked.

I'm about to drop some knowledge on you that I learned from big streamers with whom I've worked. Let's first understand your situation and move step by step so you can grasp what really works and what other people suggest.

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Get more viewers on twitch

Is your mom your only follower?

Most people's first followers are usually their moms. That's adorable, but that's not going to cut it. It's time to broaden your audience beyond family ties. How? You will find out when you're done reading this blog post.

You're a Stealth Mode Streamer

Streaming incognito won't attract viewers. Let your followers know when you're going live on social media, so they can grab their popcorn and join the party. Don't have any followers yet? Then why are you not active on social media? That's your first job as a streamer. You have to be in front of people. It's not as easy as it seems, right? When you first get started, you can't just turn on your camera and expect people to come. You have to attract them. Sure, you can attract them on the Twitch explore page, but then you are competing with females who have big gazongas. We all know how HARD it is to compete with them. How am I going to attract viewers then? Of course, through social media. I'm going to share the strategy most successful streamers used in the beginning of their journey.

Develop a Positive Social Media Addiction

Develop an addiction? What are you talking about? Yes, you heard me right. To become a social media star, you have to be ''Social.'' Turn on your phone, go to any major social media networks such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or even TikTok and start commenting on other people's posts. You might have heard this before and you might be thinking, isn't that spamming?

Yes and no. Don't start typing on Google ''automate commenting on Instagram''; if you do that, you will be spamming. However, if you genuinely spend the time and actually write something that is relevant to people's posts, people are going to like your comment and potentially start following you back. This is a growth hack that lots of small businesses use to grow their pages.

Have you ever received a follow request on Instagram from your local coffee shop? Yes, that's what they were trying to do. Develop this positive phone addiction and when you are on your phone, instead of watching nonsense reels, do this and comment on other people's posts. After you've done this for dozens of times, you will actually have some genuine followers who liked what you said about them in their comments.

Guess what? Now you actually have an audience that you can tell you are streaming.

Don't forget to be genuine in your comments and try to target people who might enjoy watching your streams. If you are a Minecraft streamer, go under the tag #minecraft and start searching for people who are interested in that tag.

Start Posting A LOT

I mean, A LOT. After you are done streaming, you can manually edit some key moments from your streams to post on social media. If you don't have any time, hire an editor on websites like Fiverr who will do this for a very low cost. Make sure you focus on Shorts and Reels. Most people's attention span is very short, all thanks to social media. However, there's no point in crying about it. Instead, we can leverage this to our advantage and get more popular. I bet you are having a hard time reading this far as well.

Make sure you use subtitles on your videos; there are AI tools that can help you with that. You can also tell your editor to do these tasks for you. Once you stay consistent by posting some key moments from your streams as a short on your social medias, you will definitely get more views and followers on your social media. More followers on social media = more potential views on your streams. Never forget that.

You are always seeing your favorite streamers on social media, right? That's what they are doing; they are POSTING content EVERY SINGLE DAY. What's your excuse? Oh, you don't have time? Then make some for it or hire an Editor to make this on autopilot.

Have a Solid Twitch Page

Have you ever seen someone who landed on your stream and left straight afterward? Yeah, I would bet my lunch money that's definitely happened. There are a couple of reasons and fixes to avoid them.

1- Your Page Looks Mid

Yes, that's right. If you still have default stream overlays that Twitch provides, then you are asking for people to not watch you at all. Having a good page makes people think that you are invested in streaming and take it very seriously. If you don't have a proper setup, then you are reading the right blog post because that's what we are all about. We study your Twitch page and your personality to come up with a suitable streaming package and overlays for your gaming content. We also specialize in creating timeless custom intro animations and more. Enough with the quick shoutout to our services. Let's get to the second point.

2- You are BORING

Yes, you are. The majority of people who want to watch streams want to see some people doing something. If you have 0 energy in your stream, they will leave your stream immediately. Who wants to watch a slow or boring person for hours straight? No one. Not even your own mother will watch you like that. In case you are in a hospital.

I know you learned something here today; now it's time to take action. Follow us on our social medias because we are about to drop more detailed posts like this, and hey, if you don't like reading, we are sharing reels on Instagram. That might be easier for your brain to consume. Be sure to follow.

Your journey has just begun.

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